Are Technology Mutual Funds a Good Investment?

Technology mutual funds have been a popular investment since they first started. But, technology stocks can be risky and have also suffered huge losses in short periods. So are technology mutual funds a good investment?

Technology mutual funds are a good investment for the long term, though they are riskier than most mutual funds. Diversification and time will be critical when investing in a technology mutual fund, but if you can find a fund with these, you can have a good expected return from your investment.

This article will discuss what technology mutual funds are, why they are a good investment, and how you can decrease the risk involved in investing in technology mutual funds. We also have some resources that you can use to better understand technology mutual funds.

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Technology Stocks and Mutual Funds: What Are They?

Technology stocks include a wide variety of companies. They can be big companies or small companies, but they all have something to do with creating and sales of technological items or services. 

Here is a list of some examples of technologies that are in the sector:

  • Computer companies
  • Software companies
  • Streaming services and devices
  • Website development
  • Coding and computer science
  • Fitness gadgets and devices
  • Cybersecurity and engineering

While any mutual fund can have technology stocks, technology mutual funds are mutual funds made up of only technology stocks. With a technology mutual fund, you will typically have stocks from various categories listed above. 

Your mutual fund manager will choose the stocks in the fund, and you will invest in it along with many other investors. A mutual fund is where, instead of choosing your own full shares of technology stocks to invest in, you will have a partial share of many different stocks.

While mutual funds can have high fees and taxes compared to other investments, mutual funds have higher returns than other investments. Furthermore, technology stocks have higher returns than many other stocks, so having a technology mutual fund can give you a higher return on your investment.

Why Technology Mutual Funds Are a Good Investment?

Technology companies can have huge stock gains on their own, and combining multiple technology stocks into a mutual fund can lead to big gains with market risks much reduced. While technology stocks can include small or less known companies, the big ones can give you a good idea of just how big technology investments can be.

Some of the biggest companies with technology stocks are:

  • Amazon
  • Apple
  • Netflix
  • Intel 
  • Microsoft
  • Tesla

As you know, these companies are massive, and they have huge stock values. If you can put these companies all into a mutual fund, in addition to others, you have a good chance of making money on your investment.

Technology stocks can gain or lose value quickly depending on company changes, political events, and other factors outside of your control. However, just as fast as they lose value, they can gain value back. And, when you have many technology stocks in a single mutual fund, the odds are that more of them will gain value than lose value, especially in the long term.

Similar to other types of mutual funds, technology mutual funds are best for long-term investing. Even when a big technology sector takes a hit, the others will likely continue to grow. And, even the ones that do suffer a loss will bounce back over time. So, if you can leave money in a technology mutual fund for at least five years, if not ten or more, your expected return will be high, especially relative to other investments.

While they are a good investment, technology stocks can be risky, so can technology mutual funds. They are a risky investment, especially in the short term. However, there are ways that you can lower your risk. We discuss those ways next so you can be prepared before you invest in technology mutual funds.

How To Lower Risk With Technology Mutual Funds?

As with any mutual fund, having a well-diversified technology mutual fund is crucial. Technology changes quickly, and so can technology stocks. Having a variety of technology stocks in your mutual fund will allow any major losses to be offset by the gains of other stocks. 

Well-diversified applies not only to individual stock diversification but also to technology groups. Different groups exist within the technology category of stocks, including software development, gadgets, wireless technology, and streaming services. You will want to make sure that your mutual fund has stocks from a wide range of groups to even further diversify your portfolio.

Additionally, your mutual funds must be a long-term investment, especially technology mutual funds. First, the longer you can leave money in a single fund without changing funds or withdrawing your money completely, the less money you will pay in fees. Paying fewer fees on your investments will make your net gains higher.

Long-term investments are also important, so any stocks in your fund that suffer a loss will have time to come back. Technology stocks can fluctuate drastically in the short term, but they will likely gain value over time, even if they do suffer losses, big or small.

Just like any investment, mutual fund or not, technology stocks and mutual funds have risk. But, if you can invest in a diversified fund for the long term, your expected gain will be high, and your actual gain will likely be similar.

Technology Mutual Fund Resources

To be successful when investing in technology mutual funds, you need to know about mutual funds in general. Remember that technology mutual funds are just mutual funds with only technology stocks, so knowing the basics of mutual funds is the best place to start. Then you can look into specific technology mutual funds and find one that is best for you.

If you want to learn more about mutual funds, the books below from will be a great resource, especially if you are a beginner.

  • Common Sense on Mutual Funds: Mutual fund pioneer John Bogle wrote this guide. Bogle will teach you how you can utilize mutual funds in your investment portfolio, why diversification is so important, especially in the long-term, and how you can find mutual funds that are best for you.
  • Morningstar Guide to Mutual Funds: You will find great benefit in this guide to mutual fund strategies. Having a good strategy when you look for and investing in mutual funds is crucial. Since your money will be in the fund for a long time, choosing the right one is important, and this book will help you.
  • The Rise of Mutual Funds: An Insider’s View: This book has all the information you need to know about how mutual funds started and how they have changed over the years. There have not always been technology mutual funds, but mutual funds have been beneficial to investors since their inception.

Finally, this video from TD Ameritrade will help you understand the basics of mutual funds:

Technology mutual funds are just one of the many types of mutual funds, and if you do not understand them, you will not be successful in investing in technology mutual funds.

Author’s Recommendations: Top Trading and Investment Resources To Consider

Before concluding this article, I wanted to share few trading and investment resources that I have vetted, with the help of 50+ consistently profitable traders, for you. I am confident that you will greatly benefit in your trading journey by considering one or more of these resources.


Technology mutual funds are a good investment. Technology mutual funds have a pattern of high growth, even when some technology stocks experience drastic losses. Just like other mutual funds, you need to choose a diversified fund and use it as a long-term investment in your portfolio. 

If you take the time to educate yourself on mutual funds before investing and choose one to suit your future needs and financial goals, you and your portfolio can benefit greatly from investing in technology mutual funds. 

BEFORE YOU GO: Don’t forget to check out my latest article – ‘Exploring Social Trading: Community, Profit, and Collaboration. I surveyed 1500+ traders to identify the impact social trading can have on your trading performance, and shared all my findings in this article. No matter where you are in your trading journey today, I am confident that you will find this article helpful!

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    1. 4 technology mutual funds for 2021. (n.d.). Investopedia.
    2. The basics of investing in mutual funds. (n.d.). Washington State Department of Financial Institutions.
    3. Beginner’s guide to mutual funds. (2009, April 21).
    4. Green, T. (2021, July 27). Best tech stocks to buy in Q3 2021. The Motley Fool.
    5. Mutual funds. (n.d.).
    6. Publication 550 (2020), investment income and expenses. (2021, April 1). Internal Revenue Service | An official website of the United States government.
    7. Technology stocks. (n.d.). Morningstar | Empowering Investor Success.

    Navdeep Singh

    Navdeep has been an avid trader/investor for the last 10 years and loves to share what he has learned about trading and investments here on TradeVeda. When not managing his personal portfolio or writing for TradeVeda, Navdeep loves to go outdoors on long hikes.

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